• EE英语课堂❤️     口语训练 Day 7 #母亲节 Mother’s Day#

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    It stands for my love. 它代表着我的爱。
    stand for 代表

    You are the one that we love the most.

    I just want to say: I’m proud to be your son/daughter.

    Here are some flowers for you, mom.

    Happy Mother’s Day! 母亲节快乐!

    Thank you for your love and care over these years. I appreciate it.

    I need to do something for her.

    How are you going to celebrate Mother’s Day?

    Are you going to celebrate Mother’s Day with your mother?

    A mummy's boy
    a boy or man who allows his mother to have too much influence on him

    at your mother's knee
    said about something that you learned when you were a child.

    Keep mum or Mum's the word

    Tied to your mother's apron strings
    someone, usually a man, who can't think or act independently of their mother

    A mother hen
    a woman who's protective and caring for those she loves

    Mother Nature
    the force that controls the weather and all living things

    expectant mother
    a pregnant woman

    Shall I be mother?
    a humorous way to ask if the speaker should serve food or drink; mostly associated with pouring tea

    experience is the mother of wisdom
    You will never understand the love parents have for their children until you get your own children. Experience is really the mother of wisdom.

    face (that) only a mother could love
    a very ugly face.
    Look at that poor girl. That's a face that only a mother could love.

    he that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin
    This is a proverb which means that if you intend to marry a woman, first try to win her mother on your side.

    like mother, like daughter
    This is a proverb which means that daughters resemble their mothers.

    necessity is the mother of invention
    This proverb means that when people really need to do something, they will find a way to do it.

    the mother of all
    意指 "最重要、最严重的极端情形和事列"
    an extreme example which is the biggest, most impressive, or most important of its kind.Failure is the mother of all success.

    mother hen 关心他人冷暖的人;婆婆妈妈的人
    Sandhu is like a mother hen, catering to the students' every need.

    mother figure 慈母般的人,母亲的化身
    It was similar to having a mother figure—but she was also our strength and conditioning coach.

    mother-naked (像刚出生时那样)一丝不挂的,赤条条的
    Dan was lying mother-naked.

    mother wit 天资,常识
    When you have to live by your mother wit, old boy, I hope you may get on better than I do.

    mother's milk hardly dries on lips 乳臭未干,形容人幼稚
    Your mother's milk has hardly dried on your lips and you want to go into the army!

    tiger mother 虎妈,对子女学业要求严厉的母亲
    My friend John has a tiger mother.

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