• THG•昔夏未央     【生日特辑】ep58#Taylor Swift--《Fifteen》

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    呜呜对不起T V T 我居然快两个月没更了~~ 今天为了补偿大家,来一首很久没唱的霉霉~!✨ 特别喜欢这首歌的开头和结尾:开头的风声仿若进入了小霉霉的世界,结尾轻轻带过,留下一缕清甜而苦涩的青春回忆> < ❤️

    其实生日是昨天来着,不过因为比较忙就没有更新~真的超感谢暖心的我岛我ce~为了你们也要坚持更下去哈哈> < 虽然在可见的未来里更新频率不会很高,但毕竟是坚持了快两年的事情> <于我而言还是很珍贵的!🔮



    (今天给大家安利的是一部日本电影《海街日记》T V T 调色和意象美哭了)

    因为吃了兔兔🐰的安利,前阵子去看了这部种草已久的电影~真的很对我的审美T V T 可以说是今年最喜欢的电影了~!

    整部电影的色调十分柔和~构图也美如画,可谓帧帧壁纸 T V T(控制不住一颗想截屏的心💗)影片讲述的是同父异母的小妹在夏天🍃搬去与三个姐姐同住的故事~🍉🎐 虽然故事以葬礼开场、以另一场葬礼结束,但却丝毫没有沉重的感觉~反而充斥着生活的温馨美好~我想,是枝裕和大概想传递这样一个信息:虽然生活不易,但日子仍要继续,且行且珍惜💗


    影片是在镰仓拍摄的> < 相信很多人和我一样,看过之后完全变成心目中的圣地啊qvq!海边的电车🚃、茂密的植被🌲、可以俯瞰城镇的小山坡……古朴宁静,充满人情味儿;同时由于在海边的缘故,又给人以干净清爽之感~





    嘛~除了亲情的元素,爱情的种子也在悄悄萌芽> <(姨母笑)总感觉同足球队的小男孩喜欢丝丝> < 记得有一次超搞笑,他们几个好朋友一起放学回家,在铺满枫叶🍁的小路上,丝丝的闺蜜感叹:“啊!好想和帅哥一起在这里散步啊!” 结果同行的小男生挠了挠头:“一起走在这里,真是抱歉啊~!”hhhhhhhhhhhhh妈呀实在是太可爱了ww!



    哦对了~姐姐们怕丝丝对于自己妈妈“拐走了”爸爸而心中有愧,一直努力让丝丝融入她们的日常生活,以及自童年以来的传统~比如一起用纸糊窗户> <✨、在墙上刻下丝丝的身高等等~可以说是非常贴心了qvq 🎀

    (姐姐们踏上电车🚃之后, 丝丝终于决定答应邀请,搬去和姐姐同住)

    (一边吃饭一边聊天~探讨梅子汁的浓淡问题🍶 )


    总之,坦坦安利、必属精品hhhh(踹飞)希望大家有时间的时候可以去感受一下日式美学的治愈和洗礼> < 那我们下期见啦!!✨ ❤️

    You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
    It's the morning of your very first day
    you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in a while
    Try and stay out of everybodys way

    it's your freshman year and you're gonna be here
    for the next four years in this town
    hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say
    you know I haven't seen you around before

    Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you
    you're gonna believe them
    and when youre fifteen
    feeling like there's nothing to figure out, but
    count to ten, take it in, this is life
    before you know who you're gonna be : Fifteen

    You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail
    and soon enough you are best friends
    laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool
    we'll be out of here as soon as we can

    and then you're on your very first date and he's got a car
    and you're feeling like flying
    and you're mama's waiting up and you think he's the one
    and you're dancing round your room when the night ends
    when the night ends

    Cause when you're fifteen
    and somebody tells you they love you
    you're gonna believe them

    when you're fifteen and your first kiss
    makes your head spin round
    in your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team
    but I didn't know it at fifteen

    When all you wanted was to be wanted
    wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now

    Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
    but I realized some bigger dreams of mine
    and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy
    who changed his mind and we both cried

    Your very first day
    take a deep breath girl
    take a deep breath as you walk through the door

    1970-01-01   141赞       4踩       11833浏览 评论(105)
女 戏骨lv62


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